But that went away after a few minutes. Some other ladies showed up and I felt a bit better about my ability to ride with these jokers.
So we headed down and across the Second Narrows Bridge and then Seymour happened:
I was doing pretty alright staying with the group and then we hit the steeper bits and they just trucked on by:
Which makes sense as they've probably been riding all season and I've been out maybe 5 times since January.
I obviously forgot that Seymour is not six k long, or seven, or eight, or nine and my brain alternated between this:
And this:
Good thing I brought along that trusty iPod full o' music.
Then we ripped back down the hill at 70 k/hour.
Came home with Jello legs and a longing to nap.
Aaaand proceeded to eat all of the food I had in the fridge.
And of course made blackberry crumble for when the boys came over with beers for post-ride back porch lounging. So so delicious.
Got a really good sleep Monday night.
The worst part about getting an extra day off on the weekend and use it up riding 70 of mountains? Waking up the next morning and having to go to work.