Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shimano XC50N

The Shimano XC50N is our latest addition. The 'N' stands for Nordic, meaning the shoe has been winterized, which is perfect for ripping up the North Shore or keeping your feet dry for your daily commute.

The venting panels have been replaced with sealed synthetic leather panels. While it's not as completely waterproof as the MW81 below, it'll keep the worst of the winter storms out compared to your summer riding shoes.

Some up close and personal pics below:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2012

Shades of Green

Not unlike others, Vancouver is a great city for promoting "going green." We have a curbside composting where you can throw all your compost scraps in with your yard trimmings and the city picks it up and takes care of them. We have recycling for most things so in theory, your garbage consumption can be next to nil.

Lies, Kermit, lies! haha

If you want to see a rad film about zero garbage consumption, check out The Clean Bin Project, created right here in Van City! It's pretty neat.

At Mighty and OtR, we also try to do our bit. Most of us walk, take the bus or ride our bikes to work whenever possible. In Vancouver, it's almost faster to dodge traffic than be traffic to get anywhere even with all those Cat-6 racers. Plus, it's a nice limbo between home and work that I personally enjoy having.

We've also got the Eco Rangers dropping by to take care of our metal, paper, cardboard, and plastic recycling. They're a nice resource to have because alot of our packing stuff is either cardboard, plastic, or paper. They also pick up Mighty's metal scraps, which is nice.

Like a lot of other stores around town, we've decided to go without bags, instead using the bags that our products get shipped to us in. I get some weird looks but most people are okay with it or just opt out at that point. Most of the time, people either don't want a bag or have brought one of their own so there's no real reason to have extra bags kicking around.

They're Heeeeere: Fizik Shoes

The newest baby of the On the Rivet shoe family is the Fizik shoe line.

We got them in just after Christmas and we're pretty excited to show them off.

Handmade in Italy, the Fizik shoes are built for comfort and speed with leather upper, straps made from sail cloth, and either aluminum or carbon buckles.

The soles are also thermomoldable to give you an even better fit.

With both a male and female version, these shoes are sure to be a popular pick in the coming year.

First thoughts include:

"Wow! Woooooow!" - Ed Luciano, Mighty Riders

"These don't fit my arch." - Ryan Golbeck, who I'm sure was disappointed

"Is this packing tape?" - Nick Berry on the sailcloth straps

"I didn't want to like them... but I like them." - Pat Beckstead, Mighty