So, I went and did a ride out to Sechelt along the Sunshine Coast last week. It's become somewhat of a tradition (If you can call doing the same ride with the same person and getting the same amount of flats a tradition...). It's a 120-k ride but it's a rather nice way of doing it (or at least I think so) because it's broken up into about 4 30-k blocks. You ride out to Horseshoe Bay, get on a 45 minute ferry, ride to Sechelt, hang out and have lunch and a sun bask, then turn around and ride back. The terrain's pretty roly poly but quick enough. I haven't really been riding these last few months and still managed to do each block in a little over an hour.

I really do love the ride to Horseshoe Bay. The Lion's Gate Bridge is always fun to ride over and Marine Drive generally doesn't have too many yahoos honking and trying to run you off the road, generally they're especially good once you get past Dundarave when the road starts to get tighter with blind corners and little room between you and the ditch. That is also when the cars become fewer (in theory), and you can relax and enjoy being "out of the city".
Horseshoe Bay is a good place to hang out and wait for the ferry. Coffee shops and the ocean always seem to amuse and entertain me, also when they do things like this:
There's something really nice about being able to get on and off the ferry first. Also, I hear that to get a car across on the ferry is not so awesome these days.
I still want to see some sort of marine life while I'm out on the ferry. Fingers are always crossed to see something larger like a killer whale.
There is definitely some odd signage on the way to Sechelt... Next ride over, I'm going to stop in and check out what they really have on that farm.
When you finally do get to Sechelt, it's pretty rad - definitely a nice place to stop for lunch and a swim.
Of course, keeping with tradition, K caught a flat coming out of Sechelt and had to do a roadside patch job. But, we planned it right and still made good time to the ferry back.
So much gorgeous scenery to take in!
We annoyed all the smokers on the way home by setting up shop in their area since it was the shady part of the boat. Ah well. We're just trying to help them kick the habit, right?
Anyway, a super rad ride and I would definitely suggest doing it if you want to go on a nice roly 120k but not have to hammer hard the whole time.